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The Legacy of Moulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri.

 Mohd Ishaq Shah ✉ “The Past five hundred years of Islamic history cannot produce the like of Moulana Kashmiri” (Dr. Muhammad Iqbal-Ra). Photo by  Ali Arif Soydaş  on  Unsplash A recent viral video against the great personality of Moulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri prompted me to have a study about the Moulana and I could not resist reflecting on his legacy that has a lot for learning and inspiration. The policy of the British was ‘divide and rule’. Consequently, the Indian subcontinent could see some shifts in the religious and cultural tendencies among people during this rule. The emergence of the Qadiyani sect was the result of that policy with the aim and objective to create suspense among the Muslim population of India with regard to the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) being the last prophet of Islam and being the seal of prophets. Mirza Qadiyani would claim to be the messiah of Allah and he would cross the limits to such an extent that he issued a fatwa that the holy war (JIHAD) has lost its c

Toycathon: Fostering Creativity and Innovation in Education.

 Irshad Ahmad Wani ✉ Toycathon, a portmanteau of “toy” and “marathon,” encapsulates the spirit of enthusiastic participation and collaborative problem-solving.  Photo by  Ryan Quintal  on  Unsplash To revolutionize the landscape of learning and play, the School Education Department of J & K Union Territory has embarked on an ambitious journey with the Toycathon initiative. This groundbreaking event aims to leverage the power of toys to enhance learning experiences, foster creativity, and promote innovation among students and educators alike. The project was launched on January 5, 2021, at the National level and Jammu and Kashmir, making history, was the first UT to initiate the project in 2023. The objective of the initiative is to establish Bharatas as a toy manufacturing centre and reduce toy imports thereby contributing to the “Toyoconomy” and consequently oil the wheels of Atmanirbhar Bharat making it Viksit Bharat in real essence. Toycathon 2023 had witnessed unprecedented suc

Confronting Children's Dependency on Mobile Phones

Authors: Dr. Arshid Bhat, Tehzeema Mehraj, Fasahat Shabeer, Suwaid Jalal & Bhat Sahiba. Children having mobile phone addiction is one of the gravest concerns for parents, educators, and health practitioners in the increasingly growing digital landscape. This is called "screen addiction" or "digital addiction" which has now become an important issue globally, especially in youth. The more you delve into this subject, the more important it is to understand the root causes & how it affects children in their growing years and what are the solutions that need to be addressed, to tackle this ever-increasing problem of Education vs wellbeing. This image was generated by the DALLE-E3 Youngsters are drawn to mobile screens due to the veritable masses of entertainment and social media applications and the easier access to educational and communication features among others. But this very adaptability makes them so addictive. The instant gratification provided by games

A Gentle Reminder to Vloggers and Youtubers!!

Ikkz Ikbal ✉ Sacrificing Fame and Money for Education is the Ultimate Parental Choice. Pakistan’s youngest vlogger, Muhammad Shiraz along with his little sister Muskan, featuring on the YouTube channel Shirazi Village Vlogs, recently posted a video on YouTube about his decision to leave YouTube.                                                          Photo by Nathyn Masters on  Unsplash Shiraz explained his decision to leave YouTube stating that his father wants him to focus on his education instead of vlogging. Accompanied by his younger sister, Muskan, Shiraz conveyed the message to his followers that he will no longer continue vlogging as his father has advised him to dedicate his time to studies and avoid making videos. Shirazi has achieved remarkable success on YouTube in a very short period. In a world where fame and fortune often overshadow the virtues of life, education and personal development, one man stands as a beacon of hope and integrity. Mohammad Taqi, a Pakistani famo

Politics & the Trend of Black Shades

Editorial Mr. K M Karunanidhi (Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, India) wore black shades throughout his political career because of an eye injury and doctors advised him to wear black shades to protect his eyes. However, Joe Biden is loyal to the Ray-Ban Aviator to show his dominance as the top boss, or it may symbolise his loyalty, persistence, and a touch of American swagger.                                                                    Photo by Austin P on  Unsplash Politicians wearing black shades in public — it’s a trend that’s equal parts intriguing and infuriating. Are they trying to make a fashion statement or hide their hangover from last night’s campaign fundraiser? Here, we’ll look into the history, reasons, and significance of this phenomenon, as well as the public and media reactions to it. So, grab your favourite pair of shades and let’s dive in. It sounds funny when an amateur news reporter wears black shades on a cloudy day while interviewing a political newbie. Whil

Traditional Politics in Kashmir: A Tale of Betrayal and Forgotten Wounds

Fazal Wani ✉ With a complex netting of regional, national, and international interests, Kashmir’s political arena has long been volatile. Due to the region’s special geopolitical significance, politicians frequently have to modify their strategies to negotiate the shifting sands of power, making it a hotspot of conflict.                                                                  Photo by Joel Rivera-Camacho on  Unsplash Past Developments Affecting Politics in Kashmir The political history of Kashmir is filled with disputes and conflict. The area has had decades of instability, from the 1947 division of India to the late 20th-century insurgency movements. Political plotting by regional and outside actors has influenced the future of Kashmir and its people. The People’s Suffering: The Kashmiri people have been suffering from the worst of the political unrest for many generations. The Kashmiri people have faced severe hardships, including human rights violations and curfews, which

Deciphering Article 370: A Crisp Breakdown Of Its Evolution, Effects, And Abrogation.

Raja Idrees ✉ Article 370, a provision within the Constitution of India, holds significant historical, political, and social importance, particularly concerning the state of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). Its inception, evolution, and eventual abrogation have mixed debates, controversies, and repercussions that reflect beyond the borders of the region. This article aims to Explore the complexities surrounding Article 370, providing an in-depth analysis of its origins, implications, and the socio-political landscape it has shaped. Raja Idrees file photo submitted to The Viral Post   Beginnings And Development: Enacted in 1949, Article 370 was designed to grant special autonomy to the state of Jammu and Kashmir, recognizing its unique historical and political circumstances. It allowed J&K to have its own constitution, flag, and autonomy over internal affairs, barring matters related to defence, foreign affairs, finance, and communications, which remained under the purview of the In

The Paradox of Desires

 Mudasir Koul ✉ Some seek to get a divorce, while others search for a lifelong partner! Have you ever felt like the world is a complex puzzle, where our dreams sometimes clash with others? Jealousy is a common trait — wanting what others have while they desire what we once possessed. Let’s talk more about it and untie this web. In relationships, some seek to leave marriage feeling trapped, while others search for a lifelong partner. Many crave fame for public recognition, yet some long for attention even if it means being marginalized. Being suddenly drawn into the limelight often makes people appreciate privacy. At these moments, they are longing for times when they are the only people in the room, and they can finally be free from the watchful eyes of the public. While some people hunt for recognition and feel the “publicity pride,” others who want to connect crave the community that accompanies the status. No matter what, our dreams change throughout the life. We are excited about t

Encouraging Democracy: Managing the Political Environment in Jammu and Kashmir

Rameez Rasool Mir ✉ There is a mixture of hope and despair in Jammu & Kashmir’s democratic environment. Promoting political consciousness and critical thinking is essential for meaningful participation. We examine the complicated realm of political participation in this conversation, offering our perspectives on the latest elections and arguing in favour of a thorough method of assessing political candidates. You can read the same article on Medium, access it  here Election Behaviour and Participation In the Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory, there is a spike in political fervour before every election. The Lok Sabha dates’ announcement serves as a spark, drawing fresh participants to the scene. The rising expectation for change is reflected in the rise of new voter registrations. Beneath this political fervour, though, voters are often unhappy and frequently feel discouraged after casting their ballots. Thoughts Regarding Political Involvement Despite this disappointment, it’s crit

The rising trend of social media trolling

Editorial⌛ When Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook, it appeared to be a brilliant idea. Initially, it served as an online mug book for college students, but it quickly evolved into something much larger. People of all ages and backgrounds joined the platform, connecting with their high school classmates and distant relatives. Even churches, bands, and hobbyists formed groups to engage with their followers. These connections, like a complex web, led to even more connections. Eventually, it became possible to be “friends” with everyone you had ever known, including numerous strangers. However, very few of us stopped to consider whether all 1234 of our “friends” deserved access to such personal information. At first, we didn’t question the idea of being friends with every person we had ever known and countless strangers. It was the norm, and sharing everything from dating experiences and concert videos to political opinions and breakfast choices was simply what people did. As a result, man

The Importance of Addressing Child Labour Threats and Its Remedies

Umar Khan ✉ Child labour continues to be a pervasive issue globally, despite significant efforts to eradicate it. Defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO) as work that deprives children of their childhood, potential, and dignity, child labour remains a harsh reality for millions of children worldwide. While progress has been made in reducing its prevalence, significant challenges persist, and the threats it poses cannot be underestimated. One of the most pressing reasons to address the threat of child labour is the impact it has on children's physical and mental well-being. Children involved in labour-intensive work often face hazardous conditions, including long hours, dangerous machinery, and toxic substances. This exposure can result in serious injuries, illnesses, and even death. Moreover, child labour denies children their right to education, perpetuating a cycle of poverty and limiting future opportunities. Furthermore, child labour perpetuates social and econom