Astronomy in the Light of the Quran

Sanya Mir ✉

Astronomy delves into the exploration of the universe and celestial bodies, while the Quran serves as a comprehensive guide for humanity, offering solutions to our challenges, enlightening our path, and serving as a profound testament to the power of Almighty Allah. The Quran states, "We have revealed to you the Book as an explanation of all things, a Guide, a Mercy, and Good News for those who Fully Submit."

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Allah has bestowed us with the Quran as a comprehensive guide for Life, rich with Lessons and Teachings.  Among its profound insights, are signs related to the field of science; meaning there are various facts which are mentioned in the Quran 1400 years ago and are now being discovered by Modern Science. This article delves into the astronomical facts present in the Quran.

1. The Expanding Universe

The vast unimaginable space which encompasses most distant stars, planets, and anything else which exists is called the Universe. In simple words, the Universe is Everything and we are a part of this huge, unimaginable Universe.

According to scientists, the universe began with a Big Bang which resulted in the formation of galaxies, stars, planets and all the other Celestial Bodies. But the question that arises is; is the universe the same as it was formed initially or has it expanded or contracted? Well, that must be a point of discussion. Basically, in 1925, an American Astronomer namely Edwin Hubble provided observational evidence that all galaxies are receding from one another or they are going far away from each other. This implies the Universe is expanding. It is getting bigger day by day. It is not the same as it was in the beginning. Using technology, he discovered that the more distant a galaxy is from us, the faster it appears to be moving.

This is known as the ‘Discovery of the Expansion of Universe’. Even Stephen William Hawking (famous cosmologist and former Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology, University of Cambridge) said: that this discovery was one of the “great intellectual discoveries of the 20th Century”.

However, if we observe the following verses of the Holy Quran revealed 14 centuries ago, mentioning:

“We built the Universe with great might and We are certainly Expanding it.” (Al -Quran 51:47)

 This clearly articulates the concept of the expanding vastness of the universe. Allah says that this Universe which We have created is not a finished work but we are expanding.

A notion discovered in the 20th century but eloquently mentioned in the Quran 1400 years ago. Isn't this a thing to reflect upon? Edwin Hubble discovered this phenomenon using the most advanced telescope of the time however, It is mentioned in the Quran before man even learnt to build a telescope.

This Verily emphasizes the fact that Allah is the One who can build and sustain such a huge universe. New and ever-new manifestations of Allah’s Creation are appearing every moment.

2. The Sun’s Motion

Moving from the grandeur of the cosmos to the star closest to our earth and the main source of heat and light, the Sun.

We tend to think of the sun as the stationary heart of our Solar System with all the planets orbiting serenely around it. That is true, but do we have any idea whether the sun itself moves or not?

The moon orbits the earth, the earth orbits the sun and the sun orbits the center of the Milky Way Galaxy to amazement, our galaxy is so huge that it takes 230 million years for the sun to complete one cycle.

Now look at the Quranic verses which acknowledge the individual orbits of both the sun and the moon: 

“It is not permitted to the sun to catch up the moon nor can the night overtake the day, but each swim along its own orbit!” (Al Quran: 36:40)                                                       

The Quran mentions the existence of the individual orbits of the sun and the moon which is now an established astronomical fact.

Not only this, another fascinating fact about the sun discovered by Modern Astronomy is that the sun is travelling towards a fixed point in space. This place where the sun is moving is a point in the constellation of Hercules (Alpha Lyrae) whose location is firmly established.

Now, hold on let us get to one more fact that we all know; the sun gives us heat and light energy by chemical reactions taking place on its surface. This reaction has been occurring for past 05 billion years ago and will come to an end one day and the sun will extinguish it. This means the sun runs its course for a fixed time and not forever.

So, from the above-mentioned astronomical facts, we can conclude that the sun has a fixed point where it is moving and has a fixed time for which it is running its course.

Now you will be amazed to know that both these facts are mentioned in just one Powerful verse of the Holy Quran: ‘And the sun runs its course for a period determined for it; that is the Decree of (Him), The Exalted in Might, the All-knowing.  (Al Quran: 36:38)

Here, the Arabic word “Mustaqar” means a place determined or a time determined.

Thus, the Quran mentions that the sun moves towards a determined place and will do so up to a pre-determined time. The striking congruence between the Quranic verses and scientific discoveries is inescapable!

It might surprise you but this is not something huge. It is just a bit that we could discover and there is much more to it. What is said in the Quran are not just random words, the verses are so powerful that every mindful person can appreciate and grasp them. This is the miraculous nature of the Quran.

In conclusion, the Quran stands as an enduring and invaluable guide for humanity. It is not merely a book but a divine revelation from Allah Himself. Within its verses, it reinforces the belief in a Creator who has meticulously fashioned the universe, emphasizing the intricate design and purpose behind all existence. Through its teachings, the Quran illuminates the path towards a life filled with meaning and significance, guiding individuals towards a deeper understanding of their place in the grand scheme of creation.

The Writer is a Student of Class 8th from K.P.S Unisoo J&K

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