Why Saffron is Called The "King of Spices?"

Dr. Abdur Rehman Malik ✉

Saffron, often referred to as the "King of Spices," holds a unique place in the culinary, cultural, and medicinal landscapes of various civilizations around the globe. This precious spice, derived from the dried stigmas of the Crocus sativus flower, not only imparts a luminous golden hue and a distinct aroma to dishes but also carries with it a history as rich and colorful as the spice itself. 

Representative picture

The cultivation of saffron is a testament to human ingenuity and tradition, requiring meticulous care from planting to harvesting. Its high value is not just a reflection of the labor-intensive process needed to produce it but also its versatility in applications ranging from gourmet cooking and traditional ceremonies to its esteemed role in natural medicine.

Importance and Medicinal Uses

Saffron's importance stretches back over millennia, it holds importance in various cultures for its use in religious ceremonies, clothing dye, and as a culinary delicacy. The spice has been a symbol of wealth and prosperity, often reserved for royalty and special occasions. In addition to its cultural and culinary significance, saffron possesses a wide array of medicinal properties that have been recognized since ancient times. It is celebrated for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective benefits, making it a valuable component in the treatment and management of various health conditions. Research suggests saffron can aid in treating depression, reducing symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and enhancing cardiovascular health. Its active compounds, such as crocin, crocetin, and safranal, contribute to its therapeutic potential, showcasing saffron's remarkable versatility beyond the kitchen.

Global Markets

The global saffron market is a complex web of production, trade, and demand that spans continents. As the world's most expensive spice, saffron's value is driven by its labor-intensive harvesting process, limited cultivation areas, and wide-ranging applications in food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. Demand continues to outstrip supply, making saffron a lucrative crop for those regions capable of growing it. The major players in the saffron market include Iran, India (specifically Kashmir), Spain, and Greece, with Iran dominating the global production and export market. This international trade is influenced by quality, purity, and the reputation of saffron from specific locales, making geographical indications and certifications critical for market success.

Kashmir's Saffron Heritage

Kashmir, known for its scenic beauty, is also home to some of the world's finest saffron. Cultivated in the Karewa (highlands) of Pampore, Kashmiri saffron is renowned for its intense aroma, deep color, and medicinal value. The region's unique climate and rich soil contribute to the spice's superior quality. However, challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, and urbanization threaten its production. The geographical indication (GI) tag awarded to Kashmiri saffron has been a significant step in protecting its identity and heritage, ensuring that only saffron cultivated in Kashmir can be marketed as such.

Kerala's Emergence in Saffron Cultivation

The southern state of Kerala, famous for its spices, has recently ventured into saffron cultivation, leveraging its diverse climate and fertile soil. According to officials, saffron has bloomed for the first time in Kerala. The crop was successfully cultivated on the land of a farmer named B. Ramamurthy at Perumala in the Kanthallur panchayat. The farming was under the guidance of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Idukki. While still in the experimental phase, early results have shown promise, suggesting that Kerala could contribute to India's saffron production in the future. This initiative not only diversifies Kerala's spice crop repertoire but also offers a new avenue for farming communities to enhance their livelihoods. The state's agricultural research institutions are actively studying the optimal conditions for saffron cultivation to ensure its success.

Iran's Dominance in Saffron Production

Iran is the world's largest producer and exporter of saffron, contributing more than 90% of global production. The Khorasan region, with its semi-arid climate and rich soil, is the heartland of Iranian saffron cultivation. Iranian saffron is prized for its high quality, which is maintained through traditional farming practices passed down through generations. The government and cooperatives have implemented stringent quality control measures and marketing strategies to strengthen Iran's position in the global market, focusing on purity and authenticity to appeal to international consumers.

Blooming Saffron Fields Created Using The DALLE-3

Cultivation, Soil, Climate, and Harvest Seasons

Saffron cultivation is a delicate process that demands specific environmental conditions. The Crocus sativus plant thrives in a Mediterranean climate, characterized by hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters. Well-drained, rich, and calcareous soil with a pH between 6 and 8 is ideal. The planting season begins in June and July, with the flowers blooming in October and November. Harvesting the flowers, a process still done by hand, occurs at dawn before the sun can wilt the blooms. It takes approximately 150,000 flowers to produce 1 kilogram of saffron, underscoring the labor-intensive nature of its cultivation.

Why is Saffron Costly?

The exorbitant cost of saffron can be attributed to several factors. Primarily, the labor-intensive harvesting process, where each stigma must be carefully plucked from the flower by hand, significantly contributes to its high price. Additionally, saffron's cultivation requires specific climatic conditions and soil types, limiting its production to a few regions worldwide. The sheer volume of flowers needed to produce even a small amount of saffron further adds to its cost. Market demand across culinary, cosmetic, and medicinal industries continues to rise, exacerbating the price due to the limited supply.

Why Saffron is called the "King of Spices."

Saffron is often referred to as the "King of Spices" due to a combination of its unique qualities, historical significance, and the intricacies involved in its cultivation and harvesting. Here are several reasons why saffron has earned this regal title:

Rare and Precious: Saffron is made from the stigmas of the Crocus sativus flower, where each flower only produces three stigmas. It takes about 150,000 flowers to produce a single kilogram of saffron. This labor-intensive process, requiring careful handpicking, contributes to its rarity and high value.

Versatile Applications: Beyond its culinary use as a seasoning and coloring agent in cuisines around the world, saffron is also valued in traditional medicine, cosmetics, and perfumery. Its compounds, such as crocin, crocetin, and safranal, are linked to health benefits like antioxidant properties, depression relief, and improved heart health, making it a multifaceted spice.

Historical and Cultural Significance: Saffron has been a part of human history for thousands of years, revered in ancient civilizations across the globe from Greece and Rome to China and the Middle East. It has been used in religious rituals, as a dye for royal garments, and as a symbol of wealth and status.

Economic Impact: Due to its high market value and demand across various industries, saffron plays a significant role in the economies of producing countries. Its cultivation supports the livelihoods of many farmers and communities in regions where alternative crops are not as viable.

Culinary Prestige: Saffron's unique flavor, aroma, and ability to impart a rich golden hue to dishes have made it a cherished ingredient in gourmet cooking worldwide. Its inclusion in a recipe elevates the dish, often symbolizing luxury and sophistication.

Agricultural Demands: The specific climatic and soil conditions required for saffron cultivation, coupled with the delicate and timely process of harvesting, contribute to its exclusivity. The Crocus sativus plant is sensitive to weather conditions, requiring a precise balance of sun, water, and soil quality, which can only be found in certain parts of the world.

Symbol of Heritage and Tradition: In many saffron-producing regions, the knowledge and techniques of saffron cultivation and harvesting have been passed down through generations, becoming a deeply ingrained part of local culture and tradition.

The combination of these factors—the extensive labor involved in its production, its historical and cultural roots, its diverse uses, and its significant economic value—contributes to saffron's status as the "King of Spices." This title reflects not only its prestige and value but also the respect and admiration it commands worldwide.


Saffron, the "King of Spices," embodies rich cultural heritage, medicinal value, and economic significance. From the valleys of Kashmir to the fields of Iran, the cultivation of saffron is a testament to human dedication and tradition. Despite the challenges posed by climate, geography, and labor costs, saffron remains a sought-after commodity, cherished for its aroma, flavor, and color. As global demand for natural and authentic products grows, saffron's significance in the world market is set to rise, underlining the importance of sustainable cultivation practices and international cooperation to preserve this invaluable spice.

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